Fair Food Congregations
“This is one of the most effective social change movements of our day. The advances in farmworkers’ human rights are simply breathtaking and I am thrilled to be a part!”
Fair Food Congregations marshal their moral voice and economic muscle to advance human rights for farmworkers. Becoming a Fair Food Congregation places you at the heart of what Harvard Business Review has named among the 15 “most important social impact stories of the last century.”
“The close proximity of our affluent community and the Immokalee Florida tomato fields screams the disparity of privilege. Our congregation recognizes that the challenge is squarely in front of us. We must respond. As a Fair Food Congregation, we are partners with the CIW in powering a new day of human rights for the women and men whose labor feeds our nation.” —Rev. David K. Bucey, Pastor, Fort Myers Congregational UCC
Fair Food Congregations work in partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, pledging to
Educate! Congregations learn about the causes of farmworker exploitation and how the Fair Food Program is preventing these abuses. View our faith-specific resources for reflection, preaching, and youth groups. Read top stories from the NYT to Harpers or think pieces on Ending Gender-based Violence and more! Set up a webinar with the CIW or invite us to visit your congregation!
Mobilize! Congregations take action in farmworker-led campaigns, such as the Wendy’s Boycott, to convince more food retailers to join the Fair Food Program. Bring the beauty and power of your faith tradition to bear in this ongoing, farmworker-led movement to convince new corporations to join the Fair Food Program. Receive timely calls to action from mass marches to fasts!
Sustain! Congregations start by identifying 3-5 members who will give a monthly donation at the level of their choosing to support the Fair Food Program’s operation and expansion. These 3-5 “sustainers” then help keep your congregation informed on all things fair food! They can register at fairfoodsustainer.org
Proclaim! Let your Fair Food banner wave to inspire others and deepen commitment! Fair Food Congregations receive the official Fair Food Sustainer logo that they can place on their websites or bulletins or newsletters to let the world know you stand for human rights and this new 21st century form of Worker-driven Social Responsibility. Buttons, postcards, stickers and more help you declare “Justice for Farmworkers!”
For more information, email us at workers@ciw-online.org or give us a call at 239-657-8311! We look forward to working in solidarity for farmworker justice!