This Holiday Season, join farmworkers, Silvia Sabanilla, Oscar Otzoy, Lupe Gonzalo, and Lusvi Perez, and allies of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Rev. Allison Farnum, Rev. Naomi King, Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson, and Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, in preparing to grow the light of farmworker justice throughout the new year. The season of Hanukkah, Advent, and the Solstice draws us into a time of anticipation and preparation with all who long for release from oppression. Through the Fair Food Program (FFP), the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, together with student and faith allies, kindles the flame of justice for farmworkers in the tomato fields of Immokalee and now on farms across seven states. Sign up today to receive this weekly Holiday reflection series and its calls to action in solidarity with farmworkers!
Un Nuevo Dia de Luz y Esperanza Para Los Trabajadores Agricolas por Lupe y Silvia
Lupe Gonzalo es miembro del personal de trabajadores agrícolas de la Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (CIW). Originaria de Guatemala, Lupe ha trabajado durante 12 años en la industria agrícola como trabajadora agrícola migrante.
Salmos 85, 10-13
En cuanto a la bondad amorosa y el apego a la verdad, se han encontrado; la justicia y la paz se han besado.
El apego a la verdad mismo brotará de la mismísima tierra, y la justicia misma mirara desde los mismísimos cielos.
También Dios por sunparte, dará lo que es bueno y nuestra propia tierra dará su fruto.
Delante de él la justicia misma andara y ella hará de sus pasos un camino.
Silvia Sabanilla es trabajadora agrícola de la Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (CIW). Originaria de México, Silvia ha trabajado durante más de 17 años en la industria agrícola como trabajadora agrícola migrante.
REFLEXION - Como lo menciona Salmos 85, Delante de Dios la justicia misma andara y ella hará de sus pasos un camino. Como trabajadores hemos encontrado ese camino de justicia de la que Dios nos habla, la hemos caminado junto con cientos de líderes religiosos, de la mano de Dios y la bondad de miles de consumidores hemos llevado la justicia a miles de trabajadores que no tenían una voz, hoy en día a través del Programa de Comida Justa, los trabajadores podemos vivir con más esperanza de ser respetados como seres humanos, por primera vez sentimos ese rayo de luz, y no queremos que esa luz se apague.
Esperamos en este tiempo de adviento que todos podamos reflexionar sobre el llamado de Dios, el llamado a caminar juntos en la justicia y con la paz, especialmente en estos momentos de la pandemia donde todos estamos enfrentando diferentes problemas, especialmente los trabajadores agrícolas, pasando muchas necesidades.
En estos tiempos de adviento, les invitamos a reflexionar junto con nosotros, de cómo responder al llamado que Dios nos hace, para encontrar la paz justicia y juntos llevar nuestra bondad a los ejecutivos de las corporación para que el amor de Dios toque sus corazones y hacer un mejor cambio para los trabajadores agrícolas, poder trabajar juntos y construir un mundo sin violencia, con respeto y dignidad. Como dice en Salmos la verdad misma brotara de la mismísima tierra y la justicia misma mirara desde el cielo.
ORACIÓN - Que la luz ilumine siempre nuestro camino para seguir nuestra fe y esperanza, y que el amor y la bondad de Dios, siempre nos acompañe. Señor tú conoces nuestra lucha, tu conoces los obstáculos que estamos enfrentando. Tu mas que nadie nos entiende: Aún mejor que nosotros mismo, ponemos en tus manos nuestras finanzas, el futuro de nuestro trabajo, las bendiciones que nos has dado. Gracias a cada uno de ustedes que han apoyado nuestra lucha, lo que hemos vivido año tras años, a pesar de las circunstancias que hemos pasado, hay hermanos y hermanas que nos ayudan a fortalecer nuestra fe. Que lo poco que tengamos se transforme radicalmente en algo de utilidad y valor. Dios bendiga a cada uno de nosotros, Amen.
A New Day of Light and Hope for Agricultural Workers by Lupe and Silvia
Psalms 85, 10-13
As for loving-kindness and attachment to the truth, they have been found; justice and peace have kissed.
Attachment to the truth itself will spring from the very earth, and justice itself will look down from the very heavens.
Also, God for his part will give what is good and our own land will give its fruit.
Before him, justice itself will walk and she will make a path out of his steps.
As mentioned in Psalm 85, Justice itself will walk before God, and she will make a path out of her steps. As farmworkers, we have found that path of justice that God speaks of. We have walked it together with hundreds of religious leaders and members of the faith community, hand in hand with God and the goodness of thousands of consumers, we have brought justice to thousands of workers who did not have a voice. Nowadays, through the Fair Food Program, workers can live with more hope of being respected as human beings; for the first time we felt that ray of light, and we do not want that light to go out
In this season of Advent, we hope that we can all reflect on God's call, the call to walk together in justice and peace, especially in these times of the pandemic where we are all facing different problems, especially agricultural workers, going through many needs.
In these times of Advent, we invite you to reflect together with us, how to respond to the call that God makes us, to find peace and justice, and together bring our goodness to corporate executives so that God's love touches their hearts and create a change for agricultural workers, be able to work together and build a world without violence, with respect and dignity. As it says in Psalms, truth itself will spring from the very earth, and justice will look down from heaven.
May the light always illuminate our path to follow our faith and hope, and may the love and goodness of God always be with us. Lord, you know our struggle; you know the obstacles we are facing. You more than anyone understands us: Even better than ourselves, we put in your hands our finances, the future of our work, the blessings you have given us. Thanks to each of you who have supported our struggle, what we have experienced year after year; despite the circumstances we have gone through, there are brothers and sisters who help us strengthen our faith. That what little we have is radically transformed into something of utility and value. God bless each one of us, Amen.
Learn more:
Learn more about how workers in other industries and supply chains are adapting the ground-breaking Worker-drive Social Responsibility model to achieve rights advances -- from protecting the safety of over 2 million garment workers in Bangladesh to guaranteeing the rights of Vermont dairy workers in Ben and Jerry's milk supply chain to fashion models!
Searching for a gift that matters this Holiday season? The CIW, AFF, and FFSC have launched a fundraising campaign to ensure farmworkers across the country receive urgently-needed protections as they continue to harvest our food as the pandemic persists. Every donation helps strengthen the Fair Food Program, which is guaranteeing a healthier, safer, and more dignified workplace for essential farmworkers during this time of crisis. Please consider making a donation by clicking here.
About the Author(s):
Lupe Gonzalo is a staff member of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). She has worked in the United States' agricultural fields for the last 12 years as a migrant farmworker, including in the harvesting of tomatoes, citrus, peppers, and many other vegetables and fruits. As part of the Fair Food Program education team, Ms. Gonzalo and her colleagues conduct workers’ rights education in seven states along the East Coast throughout the year. Ms. Gonzalo was also a member of the CIW team working with Futures Without Violence, which collaborated with CIW and other Fair Food Program partners on the first sexual harassment training curriculum for the agricultural sector in the U.S. Drawing on her experience with the Fair Food Program, Ms. Gonzalo has helped to train, mentor, and educate workers from other regions and industries on the Worker-driven Social Responsibility model, assisting in those workers’ efforts to combat human rights abuses across the U.S. and the globe. Ms. Gonzalo's work at the CIW includes hosting daily radio shows on the CIW’s low-power community FM radio station, leading the weekly women’s group meetings, receiving complaints of abuses in the fields, and managing wage theft claims. Finally, she was featured on CNN Freedom Project’s recent series on the Fair Food Program and was named a Community Trailblazer by the Equal Voice Magazine.
Silvia Sabanilla is a staff member of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). Originally from Mexico, Ms. Sabanilla worked in the agricultural industry across the South for more than 17 years as a harvester, picking tomatoes, peppers, and other mixed vegetables. As part of the Fair Food Program, Ms. Sabanilla and her colleagues conduct workers’ rights education on all farms participating in the Fair Food Program. Ms. Sabanilla’s work at the CIW includes hosting daily radio shows on the CIW’s low-power community FM radio station, leading the weekly Women’s Group meetings, receiving complaints of abuses in the fields, and managing wage theft claims. Finally, Ms. Sabanilla represents the CIW at a national level, speaking publicly on the challenges faced by farmworkers in Florida, both during major actions with thousands of consumers and in dozens of presentations throughout the year.