One of 19 students on a weeklong fast on the campus of The Ohio State University
Today, the 19 courageous OSU student fasters cross the halfway mark of their weeklong fast calling on the university to cut its contract with Wendy's unless the fast food giant joins the Fair Food Program. Facing a significant drop in temperatures and the physical challenges that come with depriving the body of food, as if on cue, the fasters' spirits were warmed by the surge of public support for their cause that poured forth yesterday from faith communities across the Fair Food Nation!
Joining the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), whose letter of March 15th called for its members to honor the student fast by joining in the National Day of Prayer and Fasting tomorrow, major religious leaders and institutions are taking a stand with OSU’s student fasters. On Wednesday, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), the National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM), and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights each published powerful public letters to Wendy’s CEO Todd Penegor, reenforcing their commitment to the Wendy’s Boycott and expressing their support for the students’ “inspiring act of solidarity.”
Head over to the CIW website to read more of the important, moving statements penned by leaders of each of these longstanding partners in the Campaign for Fair Food and catch the full photo report of the Return to Human Rights Tour's meaningful visit to Chicago!
If you, too, are inspired to lift up the sacrifice of our fasting sisters and brothers at OSU, and that of farmworkers journeying from Immokalee to take their call for justice directly to Wendy's doorstep tomorrow, commit to the National Day of Prayer and Fasting by filling out the participation form.