Two weeks ago, over 80 students and youth from all over the country made their way down to Immokalee for the Student/Farmworker Alliance's annual youth gathering, the Encuentro, where they connected with and learned from the very community leading the struggle for justice in the fields of Florida.
From Wendy’s and Publix based strategy sessions to a vibrant action with over 100 Immokalee farmworker community members, students, and Southwest Florida allies, the entire weekend was full of a new-found energy for both Encuentro participants and the rest of the Fair Food Nation alike.
What’s more, that energy has proven fruitful in further amplifying the call for the upcoming “Schooling Wendy’s” National Week of Action. Over 15 cities, from coast to coast, have confirmed participation, and will be putting out the call for final fast food holdout to respect farmworkers in their supply chain at a Wendy's near you! From Food Chains screenings and letter deliveries, to teatros and marches, the entire Fair Food Nation will be “Schooling Wendy’s” this Sept. 27 - Oct. 4 on the many ways Wendy’s has failed to commit to ensuring the men and women who harvest the produce they serve in their square burgers are guaranteed dignified wages, just working conditions and a voice in their workplace.
Check out actions happening near you or contact us to plan your own!
So as the summer draws to a close, and the Fair Food Nation continues to turn up the heat on Wendy’s, we are all reminded that there is a "new day" for farmworkers dawning in the fields of Florida and beyond. And with that, the final fast food holdout, Wendy’s, has no choice but to do what is just and right, and join the Fair Food Program.