#SchoolingWendys Week of Action
We have 21 actions confirmed and counting! Check out the list below to join an action happening near you or contact us at organize@sfalliance.org to start planning your own.
In order to support your organizing for the #SchoolingWendys Week of Action, we've put together this Resource Packet with all you need to start planning for your action, including a creative action packet, a how-to guide for writing op-eds, chant sheets and more!
As the summer draws to a close and we enter the fall season, join the #FairFoodNation as we teach Wendy's a lesson on human rights, organizing pickets, theater pieces, marches and more within our communities, Fair Food Groups and congregations. As students continue heating up the national student boycott of Wendy’s, the entire Fair Food Nation will be “Schooling Wendy’s” on the many ways Wendy’s has failed to make the grade: dignified wages and working conditions, the prevention of violence and forced labor and respect for workers’ voices, just to name a few!
UNIVERSITy actions
University of Texas - Austin
Austin, TX
Carlos Salamanca, chsalamanca@utexas.edu
Monday, Sept. 28 - Food Chains Screening
Wednesday, Sept. 30 - Rally
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI
Kim Daley, kim@sfalliance.org
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Dafne Jacobs, dafnejacobs93@gmail.com
Barry University
Miami, FL
Quayneshia Smith, quayneshia.smith@mymail.barry.edu
Brown University
Providence, RI
Liliana Sampedro, liliana_sampedro@brown.edu
Saturday, Oct. 3 - Picket
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Pamela Escalante, pe136@georgetown.edu
Denison University
Granville, OH
Magdalena Hernandez, hernan_m2@denison.edu
Florida Gulf Coast University
Estero, FL
Jessica Chadwick, jechadwick4902@eagle.fgcu.edu
Southeastern University
Lakeland, FL
Priscilla Velez, pcvelez@seu.edu
Denver, CO
Joe Deras, joed@sfalliance.org
Orlando, FL
Nico Gumbs, ngumbs@nfwm.org
Monday, Sept. 28 - Action
San Diego, CA
Cristina Malo, cmalo1974@gmail.com
Saturday, Oct 3 - Art Making Party
Sunday, Oct 4 - Picket and Letter Delivery
Washington, DC
DC Fair Food, info@dcfairfood.org
Westchester, NY
Angel Morales, angel@sfalliance.org
Clearwater, FL
Donna Polhamus, donna@polhamus.org
Sunday, Oct. 4 – Picket at Wendy's
4960 E Bay Dr, Clearwater, FL 33764
Chicago, IL
Joe Parker, joeparker1301@gmail.com
T'ruah, rkahntroster@truah.org
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY
Kelsey Voit, kelsey.voit@louisville.edu
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Amherst, MA
Anna Hankins, hankinsanna13@gmail.com
New College of Florida
Sarasota, FL
Alex Schelle, alexandra.schelle13@ncf.edu
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
OSU Student/Farmworker Alliance, osusfalliance@gmail.com
Manhattanville College
Purchase, NY
Morgan Gordon, morgangordonsmail@gmail.com
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Nathaniel Lewis, nlewis20@uic.edu
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA
Kate Lecci, leccik@duq.edu
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Tristan Abbott, philip.t.abbott@vanderbilt.edu
Jazmin Ricks, jazmin.a.ricks@vanderbilt.edu
Trevecca University
Nashville, TN
Brenda Ayala, brendayala0906@gmail.com